Hampshire Air Guitar Orchestra

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Back in 2004 when we were called Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra, it was a disaster waiting to happen. Someone mis-heard "Area" and thought we said "Hampshire Air Guitar Orchestra".

But that set us thinking.... "Air Guitar Orchestra" wasn't listed in Google in June 2004 (when this page was written), what better thing to do than become the world's first Air Guitar Orchestra. A Classical Air Guitar orchestra at that... And now we ARE number one in Google!

To prove that we really were the first in the world, here's a photo from May 24th 2001, clearly showing that although our Musical Director has a guitar, all the players have air guitars...

And who was it who said that our Musical Director was suffering from premature air loss?

Hampshire Air Guitar Orchestra

The different Niibori air guitars are shown for clarity...


And now the truth... Not an out-take as such - just our May 24th 2001 celebration of hago acquiring an alto guitar!