Hampshire Guitar Orchestra in pictures - 2016
Welcome to our gallery of photos from 2016 - highlights of some of the things we've been up to...
Related pages
- News from 2016
- A brief list of concerts in 2016
- Older photos | Newer photos

February, and some of hago perform in the Portsmouth Music Festival.

March 3rd was a great day for celebrations!
Viv and Jenny each received a long service award - read more here

And hago celebrated its 17th birthday the way hago does
With cake!

Here's the guitar-shaped cake in all its glory.
Not that it stayed guitar-shaped for very long!

Those little hats - we just couldn't help ourselves...

Sometimes we just can't seem to be professional... What a group shot!

Come into our dressing room.
We can just about squeeze another person in!

We've always wanted a dressing room with lights round the mirror!
Getting ready for our Petersfield concert...

Soundcheck time!

It's hard to know what was better - the concert at the Petersfield Music Festival, or the fantastic food afterwards

Ready for the off...
July 7th at St Michael's Chalton

And away we go!
July 7th at St Michael's Chalton

In the pub afterwards, the contra section were overcome with shyness...

...whereas special guest Arne Brattland brought his own limelight with him

By tradition, each Christmas we play Carols at a local Sheltered accommodation and then...

...we feast on curries and chillies and all sorts of wicked desserts!
Related pages
- News from 2016
- A brief list of concerts in 2016
- Older photos | Newer photos