the hampshire area guitar orchestra - our new name

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2004 has been a fantastic year of outreach for hago

  • we've played in more concerts than ever before
  • we've new players from the far reaches of Hampshire
  • we've performed at the International Guitar Festival, Bath
  • we've more new items for our concerts
  • we've raised even more money for charities

We're delighted to announce that we've changed our name to

the Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra

to reflect our increasing work inside and outside the county.

Founded in 1999, hago has already been through one name change! But as from September 2004, we've a new name - the Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra. Here's why ...

The 12 months between Summer 2003 and 2004 were hectic and exciting, and took us to venues outside Hampshire - to London for the Guitar Orchestra Competition, to Cambridge and to the International Guitar Festival in Bath.

Once we leave Hampshire, people don't have the foggiest where Havant is, and they certainly can't pronounce it! It's simple - just say haven't - but if we had a pound for every time someone has said ha-VANT, we'd probably be able to afford a stretch limo to take us to our concerts!

That, and the welcome appearance of new players from much further afield, mean we really are from the Hampshire Area of the UK, and that's why we've changed our name.

Of course, now people will think we're from America's (new) Hampshire, but we'll deal with that as it happens. Just bear in mind that we're the new Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra, not the New Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra and we'll be fine.

Our orchestration and varied styles stay, as does the occasional really lousy joke from our Musical Director when he gets over-confident in Concert ...

You'll still find references to Havant Area Guitar Orchestra in our archive pages, but our fresh, new, website appearance tells you that we've changed, just a little!

The Hampshire Area Guitar Orchestra 2004

hago October 2004


hago at their firs rehearsal with their new name

Our first rehearsal with our new name.

Our first photo with our new name is in
our Out-Takes section!