Hampshire Guitar Orchestra in pictures - 2002
Welcome to our gallery of photos from 2002 - highlights of just some of the things we've been up to...
Related pages
- News from 2002
- A brief list of concerts in 2002
- Older photos | Newer photos

Here's the team in the rather gloomy rehearsal venue we used to use at St John's Church Hall, Purbrook, shown before it was redecorated

In April we played a joint concert with Cambridge Guitar Orchestra
Here's our bass section in action - 2 basses and 1 contra guitar.

In June we changed the photo on the front of our website

And here's our website's 2002 design - now 20 pages and including an on-line shop
Related pages
- News from 2002
- A brief list of concerts in 2002
- Older photos | Newer photos