Here in the UK, a number of examination boards have set up Graded Exams in all the common musical instruments, including Classical Guitar.
As an adult reading this, you might well be wondering what one is.
Well, it's not like a driving test. There are 8 main levels, not one single standard; and although you can fail, just as you can fail a driving test, if you do fail, you don't have to be accompanied by a "proper guitarist" each time you take your guitar out for a spin!
There are three types of Graded Exam provided by most examination boards....
In a broad brush summary, Practical is the one that interests Classical musicians, and Musicianship interests those with a Jazz leaning.
The theory, by contrast, is a desk-based exam. It's entirely optional in the lower grades, but to be able to enter a Practical exam above Grade 5, you need to demonstrated that you understand Theory at Grade 5 level.
Most exam boards have 8 Grades, and for an adult, a Grade is about the amount of progress one makes in a year if one is keen and dedicated.
It's possible to do the Grades faster, but doing exams end-to-end is a blinkered and poor way to master the Guitar. I'd rather play a thousand fun pieces than just three difficult ones, and I'm sure you would too!
It's a short visit to an exam centre, just 15 minutes at the lower Grades!
If someone wants to do exams with me, I teach to the Associated Board syllabus, as I like their emphasis on musicality and not just technique...
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