Niibori guitar orchestra - a definition

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"Niibori Guitar Orchestra"

has almost become like the word "Hoover" - something that encompasses a whole genus with one name.

In fact the term 'Niibori Guitar Orchestra' is used with affection and respect for the work of Dr Hiroki Niibori, not simply for defining a logical and consistent set of tunings, names and sizes of the different members of the guitar family (and, at a stroke, removing the confusion over requintos, terz guitars, tenor guitars, baritone guitars, quart guitars and more), but also for his tireless work in promoting the guitar orchestra.

We can do nothing better than invite you to visit Niibori Guitar World where you can see just what a massive and wonderful thing the Niibori Guitar Orchestra can be.

hago attempts to encapsulate Dr Niibori's concept of "The Community Orchestra" in all we do, but we are, as you'll see from Dr Niibori's website, lacking a few players compared to some of the big Japanese Orchestras! We are, of course, always looking for competent and committed players to join us.