we'd rather forget

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We'd rather forget...

2000 may have been a heady time with The Millennium and all those typically British cod-ups like

  • The Millennium Dome at Greenwich (pictured)
    a sort of man-sized Boy Scout Tent
  • The Millennium Bridge in London
    a sort of river-sized Rolf Harris wobbleboard
  • Closer to home, the Portsmouth Millennium Tower or Spinnaker Tower
    (don't ask - just click on the link)

Under the carpet...

but here in hago we also had our own set of "I'd rather sweep it under the carpet" events...


There was our pizzicato "Sealed With a Kiss" which, no matter how we worked at it, still sounded like a horse tap-dancing. We're going to plead lack of web-space for not putting up the mp3 file we recorded on 22nd June 2000, though we suspect the excuse might seem flimsy...


There was the Summer 2000 Concert, where, in the middle of setting out the seats for our audience, a group of strangers walked in and announced that they had booked the hall for an evening talk. Of course, the Hall Bookings secretary wasn't answering her phone, and it wasn't until afterwards that we discovered that the other group had actually forgotten to ask if the Hall was free... Still, we got our Concert, they got their talk, and everything was resolved remarkably smoothly.


And that was followed on 16th November by our Musical Director's increasingly confident and extrovert conducting style finally provoking the front row to wear rather fetching perspex safety goggles...

photo of the Millennium or Greenwich Dome

There's no place like Dome....
